Date and Time
Friday Jun 10, 2022 Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Registration begins Friday, June 10 at 12pm - Wednesday, June 22 at 2pm at the Cedarburg Cultural Center during business hours Wednesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm & Sunday 12pm - 4pm. Print and return the completed Youth Plein Air Registration form and get your blank artwork stamped.
Cedarburg Cultural Center
W62N546 Washington Ave
Cedarburg, WI 53012
Entry is $10 per child, or free entry is included with participation in the Color Your World Art Camp. Information here -->
Paper may be purchased at the Cedarburg Cultural Center or artists are invited to use their own paper or canvas.
Contact Information
Kerry Tharp (262)375-3676
Send Email

The annual Youth Plein Air Contest encouraged artists aged 17 and under to join in the excitement of painting en plein air (French for painting in the open air). Break out into the sunshine with your paints, pencils, crayons or pastels and create a work in your favorite location within Ozaukee County. Please choose your location safely!
Before beginning your artwork, your blank canvas or paper must be stamped at the registration table at the Center. Unstamped artwork will not be accepted.
Awards were presented in each age category (5 & under, ages 6-8, ages 9-12 and ages 13-17) as well as a "People's Choice" award, voted on by the many visitors expected to view the artwork over this year's Strawberry Festival weekend on Saturday and Sunday, June 25 & 26. 2022.
Artwork will be on exhibit at CCC in the Corridor Gallery June 24 - July 10. The Awards ceremony takes place at the CCC on Thursday, June 30 at 5:30pm.