Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDT
Tuesdays (10/11, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5, 12/19, 1/9, 1/23, 2/6, 2/20, 3/5, 3/19), 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Ozaukee Family Services
4922 Columbia Road
Contact Information
info@ozaukeefamilyservices.org OR 262-376-7774
Send Email
Ozaukee Family Services is offering a Rainbows program for children and adolescents (K-12) who are dealing with major family changes such as divorce or death. The 12-session program seeks to provide a rainbow after the storm in a child's life. Its goals are to help participants understand and express their feelings, to build a stronger sense of self-esteem, and to direct their energy toward a healthy acceptance of the changes that have taken place.
A concurrent parent group is also available for any interested parents to help them understand how they can best support their child(ren) as they navigate through these changes. Groups are led by understanding and empathetic trained volunteers. Free limited childcare is available for younger siblings (advanced registration required).
To register or learn more, call 262-376-7774 or go to http://ozaukeefamilyservices.org/workshops/