Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 9, 2022
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST
Wednesday, November 9
Registration begins at 10:00 am
Brunch and program to follow
(shuttle service from Walgreens parking lot begins at 9:30 am)
Shully's Watermark
146 Green Bay Road
$50 per person includes brunch & program
Contact Information
info@ozaukeefamilyservices.org OR 262-376-7774
Send Email
Nationally known dramatist and academic entertainer Barbara Rinella returns with her dramatization of the book The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post by Allison Pataki. Reservations accepted individually or in tables of 8 to 10. For more info or to reserve your spot, go to http://ozaukeefamilyservices.org/news-events/