Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
This is a 4-session workshop taking place on October 19, 26, November 9, & 16
Cedarburg Cultural Center
W62N546 Washington Ave
Cedarburg, WI
$60 CCC Members / $72 Non-Members
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This four-session workshop is an invitation to make time and space for experiencing dance and the expressive arts of drawing and writing as a way to practice self-care, heal your relationship to your body and nurture your imagination. No prior experience in dance, art or writing is necessary to enjoy this creative exploration. We will begin each session bringing our attention inward to feel how our breath naturally leads to moving the spine and expands into the whole body. You will be guided by my voice and supported by gently rhythmic music to let go of restrictive tensions, soften into a flow of motion and befriend your body, just as you are. After awakening our physical energy, the next step is to transfer your creative flow onto paper by making a spontaneous free form drawing. Each week we will experiment with different drawing materials. Finally, I will ask you, “if your drawing could speak, what would it say?”. Write down any words that emerge. Give voice to your drawing. I studied this expressive arts process with Anna Halprin - dancer, choreographer, teacher and master healer. Now I am excited to share it with you.