Date and Time
Sunday May 4, 2025
10:30 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
Sunday, May 4
Check-in from 10:30am-11am
Race begins at 11:15am
Race ends at 3:15pm at Cedarburg Art Museum Beer Garden
Beer Garden & Food available from 2-5pm
Awards & Prices announced at 4pm!
Registration opens at 10:30am at the Cedarburg Community Gym:
W63N641 Washington Ave
Cedarburg, WI 53012
Team registration now open! $200 per team of 4 $20 from each team registration goes to your choice of the following randomly chosen Cedarburg Chamber member nonprofits:
$150 early bird team registration through April 18!
Contact Information
Maggie Dobson, 262-377-5856
Send Email

CONQUER the BURG is an adult scavenger hunt held in and around Cedarburg, Wisconsin on Sunday, May 4, 2025. CONQUER the BURG combines challenges that are physical, mental, and even silly, which scatters teams of four all over Cedarburg in an effort to conquer the burg.
Conquer the Burg 2025 is coordinated by the Cedarburg Chamber of Commerce and presented by Zuern Building Products & Design.
Fantastic prizes may also be awarded to:
- 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place Winners
- Best team theme or costume
- Other categories to be determined
- ...and more!
We hope you can join us!