Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM CDT
Cedarburg Public Library Community Room
W63N589 Hanover Avenue.
Cedarburg, WI 53012

“Reads” Author to Speak, Sign Books
The 2022 Cedarburg Reads and Writes finale will be held on Tuesday, October 25 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM in the Community Room at the Cedarburg Public Library. Lesley Kagen, author of “Every Now and Then” will talk about the book, her life, and sign books. In addition, winners of the first-ever Cedarburg Writes will be announced.
Local author Lesley Kagen lives in Cedarburg with her adorable, but not terribly bright pup, The Amazing Gracie. A New York Times bestselling author, her critically acclaimed novels have also been selected as Indie Bookstore Next Picks numerous times. Besides being a beloved author, Kagen is a mother of two, grandmother of two, a voice-over actor, writing instructor/mentor, child advocate, and a sometime reading coach at Thorson School in Cedarburg.
Whether you have read or will be reading “Every Now and Then”, you are invited to attend this exclusive opportunity to hear first-hand more about the book and back-story behind it. For Frankie, Viv, and Biz, three eleven-year-old best friends, what started out to be another ordinary summer in Summit, Wisconsin soon took a sinister turn when three patients escaped from the Broadhurst Mental Institution. The girls would forever remember the summer of 1960 as the summer evil paid a visit to their small town and took their young lives as a souvenir.
“Every Now and Then” book is available at the library and on Hoopla in audio- and e-book formats. The public is invited to this free event and encouraged to bring Kagen’s books for her to sign. Cedarburg Reads and Writes is sponsored, in part, by the Cedarburg Friends of the Library.