Date and Time
Sunday Apr 13, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
April 13th, 2025 9AM-4PM
Ozaukee Expo Center
W67N866 Washington Ave
Cedarburg, WI 53012
Admission by donation of $5. Children under 12 accompanied by an adult get in free.
Contact Information
James Bartelt
Show Chairman
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The long-running show, now in its 29th and largest iteration, will be held at the Expo Center in the Ozaukee County Fair Park on April 13th.
The focus of this year’s train show by the METRO Model Railroad club is "Exciting the Children". Multiple kids’ attractions are planned. Several of the 9 layouts scheduled to attend will allow children to operate trains on their layout. A scavenger hunt will be held with prizes for youngsters 12 and under who can find details on the train setups. Kid’s size engineer hats, bandanas and whistles will be available to purchase. And a Lego layout will inspire kids with what they can do with their own sets at home. The show, set to run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., will feature train layouts in all the popular scales. Seven different scales will be shown.
The METRO Model Railroad Club is again displaying its portable HO scale layout which has twice won first place at the National Train Show. The Club also has a much larger permanent layout in Port Washington. Two Z scale layouts will attend. Z is so small it can fit in a briefcase. WizKidz and the Metro Milwaukee Z Scale Club of Oak Creek will display their handiwork at this minute scale.
The Sheboygan Society of Scale Model Railroad Engineers from Sheboygan WI are running G Scale trains often used by railroaders who like to build their layouts in outdoor gardens because of their larger size. Two O scale layouts are also coming.
The Lakeshore O-Gauge Railroaders are displaying a Lionel layout at the show and is permitting anyone to run the locomotives, including Thomas the Tank Engine, around the tracks. Kids can also fire missiles from train cars, unload barrels and milk cans, and enjoy visits from some of their favorite movie and TV characters, and many more.
Another O scale Lionel 3 rail layout is from the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club. This compact Lionel layout feature many operating accessories and vintage Lionel trains of long ago as well as modern O scale trains.
The Kettle Moraine Ballast Scorchers Railroad of West Bend, WI are coming with their N-Scale modular layout (but they also model in HO-Scale). This layout has many detailed scenes including a train derailment.
A Lego Layout is being displayed by Tim Hellman of the Kettle Moraine Ballast Scorchers. Tim is running a variety of Lego Trains built brick by brick. Lego Trains are considered L Scale and are similar in size to O Scale Trains.
The largest model train on display is a 7 ½” scale model by Dan Steingraber of the Milwaukee Light Engineering Society of Jackson, WI.This club has a large outdoor railroad and visitors can ride their trains on certain summer weekends.
For those who are interested in starting or upgrading their home setups, 116 (yes, 116) tables will be staffed by railfans who will buy, sell, and trade model railroad equipment and railroad memorabilia. Both new and used items are being offered. All of the clubs participating are open to membership. Prior experience is not necessary; all welcome newbies who are just starting out, including youngsters of appropriate age. They are happy to share the love and pleasure they get from their hobby. Model railroading is more than a toy train running in a loop. It is recreating history on a smaller scale, with scenes and operations that mimic real railroad operations. And the complexity of what can be done with modern command control will amaze those who are only familiar with the train sets of the past.
A world of wonder and awe awaits attendees, and METRO is looking forward to entertaining all ages with this annual event. The show runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission by donation of $5. Children under 12 accompanied by an adult get in free. The METRO Model Railroad Club can be found on the web at: or found on Facebook.