Bridge the Divide - How People of Conscience Can Create a Just Society
Dr. Fran Kaplan and Reggie Jackson - WHC grant funded ''From Good Will to Good Work'' takes us from our homogeneous suburbs to thriving as global citizens
Bridge the Divide - Raising Suburban Kids for Success in a Multicultural Democracy
Dr. Fran Kaplan and Reggie Jackson - WHC grant funded ''From Good Will to Good Work'' takes us from our isolated suburbs to thriving as global citizens
Bridge the Divide - Urban Myths or Realities
Dr. Fran Kaplan and Reggie Jackson - WHC grant funded ''From Good Will to Good Work'' takes us from our isolated suburbs to thriving as global citizens
Hike the Gorge - Bridge the Divide/Jane's Walk MKE
Community is welcoming everyone to Ozaukee County- our neighbors across county barriers and across ethnic barriers, and across racial barriers.
Yoga at the CCC with Susan Koleas - Second Saturdays
Yoga at the CCC with Susan Koleas - Second Saturdays