Date and Time
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CST
Thursday, February 22, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Ozaukee Family Services
4922 Columbia Road
Contact Information
262.376.7774 or info@ozaukeefamilyservices.org
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FREE Class for Parents - Process over...
Do you ever feel like you and your family need to put on the perfect image? That the standard for “good grades” seems to be continually increasing? That conversations about college are starting earlier and earlier? We live in a world and community filled with pressures and expectations. It seems nearly impossible to find the balance between wanting to help your kids succeed and putting unnecessary pressure on them. This talk focuses on concrete strategies to push back against pressure and build resilience. Facilitated by Dr. Melissa Nelson, Licensed Counselor at North Shore Center, LLC.
This workshop is free and free limited childcare is also available (advanced registration required). For more info, or to register, call (262) 376-7774 or go to http://ozaukeefamilyservices.org/workshops/